Consultancy and WElix software
WE sustain has extensive experience from supporting the working environment scope during engineering and building of drilling rigs. We offer consultancy and a working environment software developed by us to assist these processes. We can deliver the support closely integrated with the project’s working environment team, filling in when your team requires extra competence or capacities, i.e:
- Technical working environment management
- WE programme
- WEAC establishment and continuous updating
- WEAL establishment
- Requirement support
- NORSOK S-002 Analysis
- Risk exposed groups
- WEHRA support
- Human Factors and CRIOP support
- As built verifications
- Best Practice advice
- Experience transfer between installations
- Advice on workforce participation
Our customers
- Aibel
- Aker E&T
- Agility Group
- Apply Leivik
- BP
- Maersk Drilling
- Rowan Drilling
- Stena Drilling
- Statoil
- Total
- And more…
Contact us for more information