AoC Support
Consultancy and WElix software
WE sustain has experience from more than 10 AoC processes assisting in implementing satisfactory working environment conditions prior to operations on the NCS. Our services includes consultancy and working environment software developed by us to facilitate efficient processes. We can compile an initial overview of the situation and elaborate a status from which further activities can be planned and prioritized. The support can be delivered in close cooperation with your HSE/working environment team on i.e:
- WE programme
- WE Status updated at all times
- Requirement support
- NORSOK S-002 Analysis
- Risk exposed groups
- WEHRA support
- Human Factors and CRIOP support
- As built verifications
- Chemical management
- Best Practice advice
- Experience transfer between installations
- Advice on workforce participation
- Advice on WE part of AoC process
Our customers
- Maersk Drilling
- Rowan Drilling
- Stena Drilling
- Prosafe Offshore Ltd
- Etc
Contact us for more information